Brittaney’s Berry Yummy Summer Smoothie


Whether you’re out berry picking or buying loads of berries, I have the perfect smoothie recipe for you; it’s also very healthy!

Brittaneys Smoothie

Berry Yummy Summer Smoothie 

What you’ll need:

1 cup blueberries (blueberries are one of the highest foods in antioxidants in the world!)

1 handful of blackberries (high in vitamin C)

1/2 cup of pineapple (to make things a little sweet, also high in Vitamin C)

1 handful of mint (promotes digestion and clears your palate)

Juice of 1 lemon (perfect for detoxification and high in Vitamin C)

1/2 cup of ice

Throw it all in a blender, and blend until smooth! Sit in the sun, and cool off with this delicious smoothie.


Loving all things food, especially pineapple. I'm the creator of the food blog I come from a diverse background of being Thai, Peruvian and Spanish so I love making meals that introduce people to cuisines and flavors they haven't tried before. I am heavily influenced by my mother who made home cooked meals for my brothers and I every single night growing up. To me, cooking and eating is a way to share stories, express culture and feed your soul with others. I also love to go out to eat, in Seattle, the food options are endless! You can catch me at a food truck or at a hole in the wall restaurant. I'm excited to share recipes and places to eat in Seattle with you! Follow me on Instagram @burrrittaney and visit my blog!